About me

I'm a mother and a grandmother, though not so old, and live in one 
of the most beautiful places in the country, Cornwall. Fortunate 
enough to live by the sea I never want to be too far away from its 
sight and sound. 

I love music, words, painting, life, my family, my friends and most 
of all my faith. I live on the same roller coaster as everyone else 
but love to encourage others, support them when they're struggling 
and most of all want to have made a difference to the world by the 
time I leave it. 

I believe faith is an intimate part of everyday life and seek to 
relate the ordinary to the divine.
It is the encouragement of others that has brought me to this point.

2 Responses to About me

  1. Please ignore last posting – it should have read:-

    Dear Alice, You may not remember me but we have spoken on many occasions at the Barn Fellowship and at Grapevine when I have been there on occasion. I am really saddened to hear of your friend’s cancer. With recently coming through cancer of the colon and then secondary liver cancer, life has been turned upside down for me and Angela and round about several times over – but praise God, he is faithful. Three months before diagnosis, God clearly said to me don’t ask why – and I said to Him – what about? and that in itself is a long story and then when the cancer blew up, there was so much turmoil but at the heart of it – there was total peace. If our Lord is for us, who can be against us and whom shall we fear? The last two years has been tough but we have more than survived – more than conquerors. Sadly, many well meaning Christian friends have been more like Job’s comforters, but thankfully, most of the silly comments that have been said have been said in ignorance. I have given you my email below so do please do get in touch. Very kind regards and blessing upon blessing, Paul McWhirter

    • Hello Paul
      Thank you so much for your lovely e-mail and likewise I am sorry to hear of your battles with cancer. I trust you are recovering well now. I am sorry not to have replied sooner but was away at the weekend and have only just checked my blog. Had I been at home I would have come to hear you at the Baptist Church. I never know exactly who is reading my blog and it is always a joy when some do get in touch.

      My friend has reached a major decision regarding his future and has decided not to have any more active treatment as they cannot cure his cancer due to its location and the further biopsy and surgery they wanted to do may not improve the situation. That was hard to hear but we talked it through and then went down to the chapel in the hospital where we prayed together and asked the Lord in total agreement that His will be done. Needless to say that was a very emotional prayer time but a very powerful one and I truly believe the Lord was with us. My friend is now going to go home and live well for as long as possible with help from family, friends and professional carers. He has trusted me with something very precious and I am determined to be with him every step of the way. Praise God there has been an improvement in his posture and he is able to be upright for alot longer than before and he is walking more steadily. We trust in the Lord’s goodness and mercy and love to see us through whatever difficult days lie ahead. We are still able to laugh and enjoy precious time together. I am asking people to share our prayer for God’s will to be done and we do not limit anything He may chose to do. Our times are truly in His hands. I will pray for you to continue to grow in strength and in the power of the Lord. Thank you for sharing with me and May the Lord Bless You and Keep You, May the Lord Make His Face to Shine Upon You and Be Gracious Unto You and Grant You Peace. God bless you and your wife.


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